Atlantic Provinces Sports Therapy Service

"Helping keep athletes safe on the field of play and beyond"

~ What is APSTS - \ - What We Offer - \ - FAQ - \ - Costs - \ - Request Coverage for your Event ~

The APSTS is a new venture started by the Atlantic Provinces Athletic Therapists’ Association. We are non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping athlete’s achieve their potential. We offer services from the week-end warrior to the elite athlete, from the masters’ level tennis player to the pee wee hockey player; we are your first line of defense in injury management and prevention.

We love sports and helping people is what we do best. Take a moment and browse through this site. Learn more about what Athletic Therapy is and how we can best help you and your organization keep healthy.

If you have any questions or want more information, please contact us directly and we would be happy to help answer your questions. Also, browse our healthy tips page for solutions to keeping you and your athletes healthy.


Yours in Health


If you have any questions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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