Atlantic Provinces Sports Therapy Service

"Helping keep athletes safe on the field of play and beyond"

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Emergency care

All therapists are trained in emergency care and most have Medical First Responder. All therapists have First Aid and CPR/Level C (healthcare provider level) plus malpractice insurance.

We are able to handle any emergency situation that may come on the field of play. These may stem from spinal cord injuries to concussions. We are able to assess the situation and manage the athlete appropriately then determine the appropriate course of action that puts the athlete first.

We provide a peace of mind to you in knowing that the medical needs of your athlete are cared for appropriately.

    Assessment and Management of fractures
    Assessment and Management of internal injuries
    Assessment and Management of concussions
    Assessment and Management of spinal injuries

Prophylactic support: Many athletes require additional support to their joints to help them play. We offer taping and bracing so your athlete may continue in their sport.

Bracing and taping are often necessary to provide support to the injured structure and help the athlete play with minimal interference from his or her injury. We are trained to provide taping to your athletes to help them compete at their maximum potential. We understand body mechanics and anatomy and use that knowledge combined with knowledge of the sport to tape a structure that provides protection as well as allowing your athlete the freedom to continue their play.

    Supports the injured structure
    Prevent further damage or injury

Assessment and management of injuries

We are experts in assessing an injured structure and managing the injury accordingly. Our job is to help the athlete, coach and/or parent/guardian make the right decision on whether to return an athlete back to play. Determining whether an athlete can continue to play is based upon many aspects and we have the experience to help the athlete in knowing that the decision to return or not return to play was made with the athlete in mind. Injuries require more than ice or heat and we are able to determine that to prevent further injury to your athletes

Often, without proper care of the initial injury, athletes can continue to do further damage if they return to play too soon or without the proper support. We can treat the injury on-site and determine whether the athlete can return to play in a safe manner. We will manage the injury accordingly in a safe and effective way and offer advice for further evaluation of the injured structures if needed. We see in our clinical practice how the initial mismanagement of injuries can create long term problems for the athletes. Our therapists can recognize the severity of the injury and make the appropriate recommendations.

    Faster return to play
    Increase knowledge about the injury
    Recommendations of appropriate follow up care
    Immediate treatment whether it be ice, stretching, taping etc

Educational sessions

Athletes, coaches and parents are hungry for knowledge about how to better themselves and their athletes. Our goal is to help athletes be the best they can be. We recognize that we can’t be at every venue, however, we don’t want that to limit you. Many of our therapists are educators and come well equipped to teach the public about management of injuries. We can tailor a workshop to your needs whether it is for teaching taping techniques, concussion management, recognition and management of injuries and strength and conditioning your athletes. Let us know your needs and we will find the right people for the job!

Many organizations want our services to help when we can’t be there. We would be happy to tailor a workshop to teach you information that you need to help your athletes become stronger, fitter, and healthier. Many of our therapists are trained in strength and conditioning and can help develop and design workshops in this area. We also offer taping courses for coaches and parents to help support injured structures when we can’t be there. Contact us and we would be happy to help your organization learn more about the care and prevention of athletic injures.

    Taping and prophylactic support
    Emergency care
    Training and conditioning for your athlete
    Stretching and strengthening
    Basic management of injuries

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